Amur Maple

Acer ginnala
Leaves: Deciduous. Leaves are 1½ to 3 inches long with a doubly serrated leaf edge. They are 3-lobed, with the middle lobe longer than the sides and dark green in color. Leaves turn yellow to red in fall.
Bark/Twigs: Smooth and gray brown colored bark with dark streaks.
Flowers/Fruit: Inconspicuous flowers are yellow-white and fragrant. Small 1 to 1½ inch clusters of flowers appear with the leaves in April to May. Fruit is a seed (samara) with 2 parallel wings, ¾ to 1 inch long.
Mature size and shape: Small. 15 to 20 feet high, equal width. Usually a multi truck form. Variable rounded shape.
General information/special features: Plant in full sun for best fall color. Tolerates light shade. Performs best in moist, well-drained soil.
Landscape use and maintenance: Good ornamental tree. Good for patios and can be planted in containers. Average growing rate. Average maintenance. Short enough to be planted under power lines. Problems with iron uptake and yellowing of the leaves (cholorosis). Easy to transplant. Can withstand heavy pruning.
USDA Hardiness Zone: 3 to 8
Family/Origin: Aceraceae – Maple. Native to central and northern China, Manchuria, and Japan.
Campus Use: Common. Can be found in the grass area north of Union (Bld 53) and southwest of Civil & Materials Engineering (Bld 56).