German Ash

Fraxinus holotricha
Leaves: Deciduous. Pinnately compound leaves 7 to 9 inches long. 7 to 9 leaflets each 1½ to 2½ inches long, lance-shaped with pointed tips. The leaf is dark green, underneath grey and hairy and turns golden-yellow in fall.
Bark/Twigs: Ash gray to gray-brown colored bark. Furrowed into close diamond shaped areas.
Flowers/Fruit: Inconspicuous flowers. Dioecious - species have both male and female trees. Female trees produce ½ to 1½ inch long, ¼ inch wide seeds which look like a canoe paddle.
Mature size and shape: Medium to large. 30 to 45 feet high x 25 to 30 feet wide. Pyramidal when young, developing into a spreading pyramidal habit.
General information/special features: Plant in full sun. Tolerant of pollution. Does not tolerate compacted soil.
Landscape use and maintenance: Shade tree. Good in industrial areas. Fast growing rate. Average maintenance. Used as a street tree in Europe. The common cultivar is 'Moraine' and produces very little flowers and fruit.
USDA Hardiness Zone: 6 to 8
Family/Origin: Oleaceae – Olive. Native to south east Europe.
Campus Use: Rare. Only specimen. The tree south of the Park Building (Bld 1) is on the Utah Big Tree Registry.