Hedge Maple

Acer campestre
Leaves: Deciduous. Leaves are 2 to 4 inches long and wide. They have 3 to 5 rounded lobes and smooth edges. Dark green leaf color. Bright yellow in the fall.
Bark/Twigs: Gray-black bark, lightly ridged and furrowed.
Flowers/Fruit: Inconspicuous green flowers bloom in late spring (May). Winged seeds (samara) in pairs that spread out very wide, almost 180 degrees. Seeds are slightly wrinkled and 1 to 1½ inches long.
Mature size and shape: Medium. 20 to 30 feet high x 25 feet wide. Does sometimes grow to 30 to 40 feet high with an equal width. Rounded and dense shape.
General information/special features: Plant in full sun to partial shade. Prefers well-drained soil, but can withstand compaction, pollution and drought. Often used as a hedge in Europe.
Landscape use and maintenance: Good as a street tree. Does really well in Utah and is a good alternative to Norway maple. Slow growing rate. Average maintenance. Seeds can be messy. Readily transplanted. Can withstand heavy pruning.
USDA Hardiness Zone: 4 to 8
Family/Origin: Aceraceae – Maple. Native to Europe, Africa, and western Asia.
Campus Use: Somewhat uncommon. Can be found west of George Thomas Building (Bld 5) and east of the Fort Douglas History Museum (Bld 632). The tree west of the George Thomas Building (Bld 5) is on the Utah Big Tree Registry.