Lavalle Hawthorn

Crataegus x lavallei
Leaves: Deciduous. Leaves are shiny dark green on top with fine hairs beneath. Leaves are elliptical 2 to 4 inches long and ½ as wide with serrations on the upper outside edge. The lower ⅓ to ⅔ of the leaf edge is smooth. Dark, glossy green color in summer. Fall color is red to purple-red or bronze/copper.
Bark/Twigs: Trunk has an interesting exfoliating appearance. Branches have a few stout, thick thorns.
Flowers/Fruit: White flowers have five petals and are ¼ inch in diameter. Flowers grow in 3 inch wide clusters. Blooms late spring or early summer (May to June). Fruit is a fairly large ⅝ to ¾ inch marble-sized berry (pome). Bright orange-red when mature and remain on the tree throughout winter attracting birds.
Mature size and shape: Small to medium. 15 to 25 feet high and ⅔ as wide.
General information/special features: Plant in full sun. Moist, well-drained soil is best. Does fairly well in somewhat drier conditions.
Landscape use and maintenance: Good specimen tree. Can be planted in parkstrips. Slow to medium growing rate. Average maintenance.
USDA Hardiness Zone: 5 to 7
Family/Origin: Rosaceae – Rose. A hybrid of C. crusgalli and probably C. pubescens.
Campus Use: Common. Can be found on southeast part of President's Circle or south of University Bookstore (Bld 67). The tree in President's Circle is on the Utah Big Tree Registry.